Consistent LCA standards

The project aims to make standards for life cycle assessment (LCA) and carbon footprint calculations clearer and less contradictory. This applies both within ISO’s family of LCA-related standards and between ISO and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

We build knowledge and shared insights through interviews, analyses of the standards, and case studies. Our conclusions and recommendations are fed into the standardization process. In this way, we contribute to making LCA and carbon footprint calculations more effective tools, facilitating the industry’s transition efforts.

Project name: Consistent LCA standards

Reference: 2024-03414

Status: Active

Call: Regleringar och Styrmedel

Project type: Feasibility study

Administrator: Vinnova

Project coordinators: Swedish Life Cycle Center

Project partners: Chalmers tekniska högskola, Tomas Ekvall Research Review & Assessment, SKF, Essity, Electrolux, Boliden, Höganäs, Jernkontoret

Project leader: Tomas Timoteusson Ekvall


Start date: 2024-11-04

End date: 2026-01-03


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