The project aims to reduce Swedish industry’s dependence on fossil fuels through innovative technologies. It investigates three main solutions: electric heating for high temperatures, hydrogen as a replacement for LPG, and micro-cogeneration for local electricity and heat production. The goal is to create fossil-free production processes that not only reduce carbon dioxide emissions but also strengthen the industry’s resilience and competitiveness. Electrification entails a number of challenges, such as the increased energy demand that can put a strain on the already stressed Swedish electricity grid. The project therefore aims to develop technologies that enable more efficient energy use and reduced dependence on external energy sources. Electric heating and hydrogen can significantly reduce emissions, while micro-CHP offers a method to produce both electricity and heat locally, strengthening industrial self-sufficiency. By implementing these technologies, the project can drive a wider transition to fossil-free production in industry. The solutions have the potential to greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions and strengthen energy security through local production of electricity and heat. In addition, they contribute to reduced dependence on fossil fuels and imported energy. The project can serve as a model for other industries by showing that fossil-free solutions are both technically and economically feasible, which can lead to a greater spread of sustainable energy solutions and strengthened competitiveness in the long term. 

Project name: GAStoEL

Reference: 2024-02975

Status: Active

Call: Ökad resurseffektivitet och resiliens

Project type: Feasibility study

Administrator: Vinnova

Project coordinators: Nordic Energy Audit AB

Project partners: Kanthal AB, ProfilGruppen Extrusions AB, Swerim AB

Project leader: Gustav Andersson


Start date: 2024-12-01

End date: 2025-05-01


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