Recycled Graphite

Graphite is an important mineral. Europe is today dependent on importing almost all its graphite and the EU has identified the material in the Critical Raw Material Act. Large scale approaches for recycling graphite are of utmost importance. This project will combine state of the art methods for extracting graphite from battery recycling with mining processes for purifying graphite. The recycled graphite will be analyzed and evaluated for different use cases to identify feasible applications. 

Project name: Recycled Graphite

Reference: 2024-03051

Status: Active

Call: Ökad resurseffektivitet och resiliens

Project type: Feasibility study

Administrator: Vinnova

Project coordinators: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB

Project partners: Fortum Battery Recycling Oy, H2GS AB (Stegra), Talga AB

Project leader: Guan Gong


Start date: 2024-12-01

End date: 2025-05-01


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