TexRepair: Scaling automated textile repair services

In this project, RecoMended takes an important step towards changing the textile industry with its Automated Repair Module (ARM). By combining advanced technology with a vision of circular economy, the project aims to automate and streamline repairs of textile products, which not only extends the life of clothing but also reduces the negative environmental impact of the fashion industry. The technology already meets the repair requirements for a majority of textile products’ repair needs at TRL 5.  

By extending the life of textile products, recurring revenue on the same product can be generated, reducing the need for new production and thus contributing to Net Zero Industry’s goal of significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions during a product’s life cycle.  

Project objectives 

The project is a preparatory project of 6 months (phase 1) with the goal of continuing in a phase 2 after the end of the project. In Phase 1, analysis and method and technology development will take place with the aim of paving the way for pilot testing and validating the concept on a larger scale with at least two need owners, where at least 4,500 textile products will be repaired. In collaboration with the brands and their customers, success factors for broad consumer and customer acceptance will also be identified and compiled in order to develop an industrial plan in Phase 2 on how ARM will be commercialized and utilized. After stage 2, the technology will be at TRL 7. 

Project name: TexRepair: Scaling automated textile repair services

Reference: 2024-03010

Status: Active

Call: Ökad resurseffektivitet och resiliens

Project type: Feasibility study

Administrator: Vinnova

Project coordinators: Wargön Innovation AB

Project partners: Recomended AB, KappAhl AB, RISE AB, Nudie Jeans AB

Project leader: Susanne Eriksson

E-mail: susanne.eriksson@wargoninnovation.se

Start date: 2024-12-01

End date: 2025-05-01


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