Verify LinXole’s hole transport layer materialtoenable next-generation solar panels

As part of the green transition to combat climate change, the world’s electricity demands increase the need for more high-efficiency renewable energy sources. One of the most promising next-generation photovoltaic technologies is perovskite solar cells, which show unique advantages in low-cost, solution-processable, good flexibility, and tunable colors. The primary challenge to entering the market is the short lifetime of devices, commonly referred to as the low stability, where the main reason for the low stability is the hole transport layer (HTL). LinXole’s patented HTL materials prove promising to solve this problem – increasing the stability without sacrificing the efficiency, thus serving as an enabling technology to make perovskite solar cells see the light of day. LinXole’s HTL is organic, which is necessary to allow printing and coating processing techniques like roll-to-roll to achieve the highest throughput manufacturing, and for perovskite solar cells to be flexible. In this project, to ensure that perovskite solar cells will reach large-scale production, we will evaluate the applicability and performance of LinXole’s hole transport material (HTM) in device architectures suitable for large-scale production used by industry perovskite solar cell
manufacturing companies through a triple-collaboration effort.

Project name: Verify LinXole’s hole transport layer materialtoenable next-generation solar panels

Reference: 2024-03021

Status: Active

Call: Ökad resurseffektivitet och resiliens

Project type: Feasibility study

Administrator: Vinnova

Project coordinators: LinXole AB

Project partners: Linköping Universitet,

Project leader: Feng Wang


Start date: 2024-12-01

End date: 2025-05-01


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