Ways to create net-zero foundries (CASTWELL)

This project aims to support the transition of Swedish iron and steel foundries toward climate neutrality by 2040. The feasibility study focuses on addressing knowledge gaps and challenges that hinder the shift to sustainable material flows and processes within the foundry industry, which currently lags behind the more resource-intensive steel industry.

The project will assess current material and energy usage, explore sustainable alternatives, and engage stakeholders in designing a system demonstrator. This demonstrator will serve as a model for reducing CO₂ emissions, improving resource efficiency, and promoting circular economy principles throughout the value chain.

The goal is to create resilient and circular foundry operations that significantly reduce environmental impact while maintaining or enhancing technical standards and competitiveness.

Project name: Ways to create net-zero foundries (CASTWELL)

Reference: 2024-02625

Status: Active

Call: Systemdemonstratorer

Project type: Feasibility study

Administrator: Vinnova

Project coordinators: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB

Project partners: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Scania, Volvo Lastvagnar, Baettr Guldsmedshyttan, Laholm Stål, Mölltorps Gjuteri & Mekaniska Verkstad, Meca Trade Oy, Oy Lux, Österby Gjuteri, Svenska Gjuteriföreningens Service

Project leader: Mahsa Saeidpour

E-mail: mahsa.saeidpour@ri.se

Start date: 2024-10-15

End date: 2025-10-15


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