Residual streams for a circular and more resilient food system
Re:meat together with Chalmers and Nya Carnegiebryggeriet is doing a feasibility study of possible Swedish industry, food and waste streams as alternative nutrients (growth media) for several of the most promising new food technologies. Such as cultivated meat and precision fermentation, which we call Media Based Novel Foods (MBNF). Cultivated meat has potentially a feed conversion rate of 50% compared to the cow which has 4%. This type of extreme efficiency improvements makes MBNF an innovative solution that contributes to a much more resilient and efficient meat and plant protein production while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions (92% for cultivated beef compared to conventional beef), water and land use. The project aims to develop sustainable growth media to build an industry of new foods (MBNF). The focus is on utilizing industrial waste streams, the project explores e.g. BSG, the brewers’spent grain, as a basic source of nutrition. The system must cover the entire life cycle of these residual streams, from their production in the food and beverage industry to their conversion into valuable input raw materials for e.g. cultured meat production and precision fermentation.