Reviving Food Resources: Exploring New Horizons in Upcycled Food Production

The food industry and retail in Sweden together generate around 400,000 tonnes of food waste per year, according to the latest report from The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 

Upcycled foods use ingredients that otherwise would not have gone to human consumption; thus, their production increases resource efficiency, reduces food waste, and improves environmental impact and profitability.  

The aim of this project is to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment in collaboration with food supply chain stakeholders to investigate the barriers and enablers of upcycled food production. The findings of this project can facilitate the integration of upcycled food into the Swedish food supply chain and market and be shared and upscaled to create impact (e.g., a blueprint for setting up upcycled food chains, policy recommendations, etc). 

The comprehensive needs assessment performed will provide a deep understanding of the stakeholders’ perspectives and identifies the interventions that facilitate upcycled food production by investigating practical barriers and enablers. These findings will be used to develop solutions and facilitate upcycled food production in the next step. 

Project name: Reviving Food Resources: Exploring New Horizons in Upcycled Food Production

Reference: 2024-03012

Status: Active

Call: Ökad resurseffektivitet och resiliens

Project type: Feasibility study

Administrator: Vinnova

Project coordinators: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB

Project partners: Högskolan i Borås, Axfood AB

Project leader: Karin Österberg


Start date: 2024-12-01

End date: 2025-05-01


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