Syclen1: System change & development in the value chain – Net Zero Demonstrator step 1

Syclen1 is a feasibility study that intends to document and prepare a full-scale demonstrator of how to achieve the main goals of the Net Zero Industry program in a value chain.

Project name: Syclen1: System change & development in the value chain – Net Zero Demonstrator step 1

Reference: 2024-02633

Status: Active

Call: Systemdemonstratorer

Project type: Feasibility study

Administrator: Vinnova

Project coordinators: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB

Project partners: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Hitachi Energy Sweden, Industriellt Utvecklingscenter Dalarna, Mattsson Metal, Mälardalens Universitet, Nefab Packaging Sweden

Project leader: Martin Kurdve


Start date: 2024-10-14

End date: 2025-10-13


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