WELDO Welded structures with significantlyincreased fatigue life via new Digitalized Optimization

The shift towards green steel has an unknown impact on how new alloying concepts will affect the lifetime of fatigue-loaded welded structures. Innovative combinations of simulation techniques can analyse and optimise the relationship between alloying elements and welding quality, which will improve fatigue life and thus increase resource efficiency during the product life cycle. The WELDO project addresses these challenges by developing predictive models that combine advanced simulation modelling, experiments and new laser measurement technologies to investigate the relationship between alloying concepts in the steel and the resulting weld quality, which will improve the fatigue strength of welded structures. The main goal is to establish a basis for digital optimisation of materials used in fatigue loaded structures. Key activities include predicting how alloying elements affect weldability and geometry, conducting experiments and planning a full-scale project. By establishing a predictive framework, the project will improve resource efficiency and resilience in the manufacturing process of the final product, and support the development and implementation of weldable green steels. This provides new opportunities to improve product lifetime, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of Swedish industry.

Project name: WELDO Welded structures with significantlyincreased fatigue life via new Digitalized Optimization

Reference: 2024-03024

Status: Active

Call: Ökad resurseffektivitet och resiliens

Project type: Feasibility study

Administrator: Vinnova

Project coordinators: SWERIM AB

Project partners: SSAB, ESAB, HIAB

Project leader: Joakim Wahlsten

E-mail: joakim.wahlsten@swerim.se

Start date: 2024-12-01

End date: 2025-05-01


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